Line Up Checklist

James Albright (a former G450 driver)

Updated: 2013-11-03

There are a few techniques and procedures most of us gloss over for this checklist, but you really ought to consider adding them to your list of procedures.

Everything here is from the references shown below, with a few comments in an alternate color.


[G450 Airplane Flight Manual §2-04-30]


    [AC 120-74B, ¶7.h.(2)(d)] When entering a runway, either for takeoff or when taxiing into LUAW, flightcrews should make their aircraft more conspicuous to aircraft on final behind them and to ATC by turning on all lights, except for landing lights, that highlight the aircraft’s silhouette. Strobe lights should not be illuminated if they will adversely affect the vision of other pilots. At night, and cleared to LUAW, consider lining up slightly to the left or right of the centerline (CL) (approximately 3 feet) to enable a landing aircraft to visually differentiate that your aircraft from the runway lights.

    You might consider turning the landing lights on with the PULSE function, to increase the aircraft illumination. That will cause the left and right landing lights to alternate. Once you have your takeoff clearance, turn the PULSE function off to allow both lights to shine steadily.

    [AC 120-74B, ¶7.h.(2)(e)] Takeoff. Turn on all lights, including landing lights, when takeoff clearance is received, or when commencing takeoff roll at an airport without an operating control tower.

2. Transponder / TCAS . . . ON / TA / RA


3. Radar . . . AS REQUIRED

Some pilots prefer to leave the radar off if they know they won't need it. Doing so will allow the radar dish to move about freely and could damage it. The STBY position will keep the dish centered and might prevent damage.


Try to learn how much power lever you need to keep the spoilers down once armed. I use a full knob width between throttles. That will avoid the ground spoilers fluttering up and down, which can be disconcerting to the passengers.

5. V-Speeds . . . CHECKED / BOXED

What if the V-Speeds aren't boxed? The following items are included in the FMS Takeoff Performance Configuration Check: [G450 OM 2B-26-50.3 (page 33)]:

  • Pressure altitude within 100 feet of sensed

  • Flaps

  • Anti-skid

  • Spoilers

  • Takeoff weight within limits

  • Anti-ice

  • Baro setting within 0.10 inches of mercury

I used "FAT BAG" as a pneumonic.



When the G450/550 first came out it was common to ignore blue CAS messages at this point, and certainly to disregard the "Check CMC" message. But there are blue CAS messages you shouldn't fly with (see Warnings, Cautions & Notes) and there are CMC messages that do not allow dispatch. So you should be in the habit of checkling all CAS messages prior to takeoff.

7. Departure Runway Alignment . . . BOTH PILOTS CONFIRM

When aligning the aircraft with the takeoff runway, the PF should note the aircraft heading, the ATC runway clearance, and the runway number on the pavement are all in agreement. For example, “Heading is two four zero, we are cleared on runway two four, and I see two four.” Once the aircraft is aligned with the runway, both pilots should verify the heading agrees with the runway. Why all this fuss?


Advisory Circular 120-74B, Parts 91, 121, 125, and 135 Flight Crew Procedures During Taxi Operations, 7/30/12, U.S. Department of Transportation

Gulfstream G450 Airplane Flight Manual, Revision 35, April 18, 2013