Streamlined Part 91 Operational Approval
At long last, the FAA’s streamlined part 91 LOA process is online. It is too late for those of us who slugged through the year long process of old, but if you have yet to start (or if you are early in the process), this should save you a lot of trouble and produce LOAs in a few weeks.
To get started, go to:
You basically submit three documents:
Aircraft Statement of Capability (ASOC)
Training Statement of Compliance (TSOC)
Procedures Statement of Compliance (PSOC)
These will end up being just a few pages, instead of the hundreds of pages needed under the old system, what we used to call the “arts and crafts project,” since it involved so much cutting and pasting. The FAA inspector no longer has to read all that. So the process is quick. I’ve heard that there have already been a lot of successes with this.