Interior Preflight Inspection Checklist
James Albright (a former G450 driver)
Updated: 2016-10-03
This is one of those "self correcting" checklists. If you miss something, chances are there will be something to tell you that later on. But if you get it right the first time, things will be that much smoother.
There has been a change to this checklist that makes it impossible to complete it where placed in the manual. The new Step 2 requires the cabin be powered for 4 minutes. You can't do that until the APU is running or external power is hooked up.
Everything here is from the references shown below, with a few comments in an alternate color.
AFM Procedure
[G450 Airplane Flight Manual §2-01-30]
1. Baggage Compartment Circuit Breakers — Check
Photo: from Eddie's aircraft.
While you are there, open the V-6...
So why was the valve closed in the first place?
See G450 Gotchas.
Photo: from Eddie's aircraft.
2. Water Sterilizer . . . Check for green light
Photo: from Eddie's aircraft.
Note: Cabin power must be ON for at least four (4) minutes prior to performing this check.
You cannot do this without AC power on the aircraft, you might consider adding this to your normal cabin set up duties. You will have to kneel down on the floor to see the green light through the air vent at the bottom of the conformal water tank.
Here's what it looks like with the cover and protective screen removed:
Photo: from Eddie's aircraft.
3. Baggage Compartment Door — Check / Secure
Photo: from Eddie's aircraft.
4. Baggage Door Seal Control Valve Selector — Normal Ops
Photo: from Eddie's aircraft.
5. Windows — Secure
Photo: from Eddie's aircraft.
6. Fuel Tank Vent Caps — Secure
7. Wing Vortex Generators — Secure
8. Cabin Area . . . Secure
Photo: from Eddie's aircraft.
9. System Monitor Test Panel — Check
There is nothing in the AFM or AOM that identifies a "System Monitor Test Panel." The AMM refers to the "System Monitor and Test Panel" in several places and shows this:
Figure: System Monitor and Test Panel, from G450 Maintenance Manual, §23-72-09, Figure 401.
One of the final steps of the regular database update is to turn the MAINTENANCE switch OFF on this panel. If you miss this step the cover to the panel can still close and your first indication will be when the required cockpit checks start going awry.
10. Passenger Briefing . . . Conduct
The AFM says "shall" but it also says "as required." Of course under 14 CFR 91.519 the pilot in command is to ensure passengers have been briefed on these topics, but there is no guidance on how this briefing is made or how often. Most Part 91 operators have interpreted this to mean pilots need only ensure the passengers have had a briefing of some type and some time. Under 14 CFR 135.117 the briefing must be made orally and before each takeoff.
The following items shall be briefed to all passengers as required:
Interior Doors Open for Takeoff and Landing
Use of Seat Belt / Shoulder Harness
Seat and Table Position for Taxi, Takeoff, Landing, and Turbulence Encounters
Location and Operation of Normal and Emergency Exits
Proper method of exiting the airplane through the elliptical emergency exit windows, i.e., leg over leg.
Location and Operation of Survival Equipment
Use of Oxygen and PELS Smoke Hoods (if installed)
Smoking Policy
Storage of Loose Articles
Use of Portable Electronic Devices
Time En route and Any Known Delays
En route and Destination Weather
Gulfstream G450 Airplane Flight Manual, Revision 35, April 18, 2013
Gulfstream G450 Maintenance Manual, Revision 18, Dec 12, 2013