GVII - Setting the parking brake on battery power only
I am embarrassed to say it took me a while to figure this out, but I eventually did. When you first power up the aircraft, on battery power only, you may want to set the parking brake. What we first did was turn the batteries on and wait for an OHPTS to come on so we can select the Aux Pump to On. We set the parking brake and tried to hear the pitch change in the pump. We assumed the brakes were set because we couldn’t see the brakes 1/6th page. We assumed the PFDs were locked with only two DUs showing and didn’t want to go through the trouble of unlocking the screens.
But you don’t have to do that at all. All you have to do is select the DU1 (or DU4) from the Disp Ctlr item on the FPLAN page, press the mini 1/6 page and then Brake. For extra credit you can press the mini 2/3 page and Hydraulic.
As Mr. Satkamp’s comment correctly points out, you can also use TSC #5 in this situation.